17 September 2010

Boredom fiefdom 2

Being bored is often confused with being philosophical. It certainly is true in my case. I tend to think too much about myself,the things I have seen, and observations I made,mostly about myself. So I decided to put my learnings into writing. These are facts about me that probably no one ever knows. probably-because who knows..its a snoopy little world. But not to worry-its nothing scary. Most of them are utterly trivial. If you end up with "Thoo..ithellam oru observation" kind of a remark, I wouldn't  be surprised at all.

1. I derive great satisfaction out of cleaning big oily kadais. Not to be inferred that I like cleaning.
2. I can tolerate any number of big vessels in the kitchen sink, but no unclean cutlery will be tolerated.
3. I need an answer to : 'Why is Vanilla the world's favorite flavor?'
4. I think people with siblings are lucky. I suffer from the Only Child Syndrome.
5. I threatened my parents that I'd jump from the balcony when I was 5 years old. If you think we must have been on the 1st floor of the building then, I say "you cant be scared...can you?"
6. I develop immediately a sense of kinship with people who say they like spicy food & chocolate.
7. I often have trouble thinking I am awesome.
8. I think I can become a great chef, for the numerous brave attempts with food.
9. I don't always feel good about being elder to someone.
10. I want to work in films. Yes, you read it right.
11. I am not conscious about the way I look but I WANT to look nice in the photographs.
12. I hate taking a bath.
13. I lie for no reason. School Principal asks, "Looks like you didnt pay the van fees on time this month..."
I say, "Oh yeah, had been to the US on vacation...." My friend who was befuddled with this did not speak to me for 2 days.
14. I am quite sensitive and snobbish .
15. I want to love my hair, seriously...
16. I feel sad when a Madhavan or Kamal movie flops. Thats probably why Im sad most of the times.
17. I love reading blogs. Just love it.
18. I dread the question 'Hi..wassup..what are you doing?". Now that I am married and its been 2 years almost , you know the next best question I dread.
19. I scribble a lot. I am a doodler.
20. I have always wanted to paint well.
21. I am an expert at procrastination.
22. I am a Google freak.
23. I am a M.P.
24. I am indecisive and a confused-capemari often.
25. I simply love friends who contact you only when they need a favor. They make me realize how awesome the others are.
26. I don't like too many secrets.
27. I love making lists. If I were a rowdy, I would do a list-pottu-murder instead of a sketch-pottu-murder.
28. I love the word NONSENSE. Its damn funny intrinsically!
29. I love the smell inside a Bong (bengali's) house.
30. I have this terrible dilemma :- Whether to like Aishwarya Rai or not.
31. I can never ,ever sleep before 12 in the night.
32. I have an insatiable appetite for Rasam.
33. I was born to never do anything related to mathematics.
34. I can never get dressed up without kajal.
35. I believe the worst kind of crimes are Child Abuse and Animal Poaching.
36. I want to have a vast collection of tea cups from different countries.
37. I don't have great memory. I just make lists.

Explanation of point 23 :- I am a Monologue Person, out & out.